Power your brand's engagement on facebook and messenger without relying on facebook ads

Leverage facebook messenger to accelerate and automate your business, Drive 10x traffic & maximize sales in business.

Lets start for free

Let's chat about our messenger marketing tool

Facebook messenger chatbot Facebook messenger chatbot  facebook-messenger-marketing-chatbot

1.3 billion people use Messenger everyday

Learn how to reach them and increase your sales

With 80% open rates and 25% CTR, Messenger beats every other channel. Broadcast quick, personalized interactive contents to transform leads.

Automate business inquiries, increase 10x more sales

With Insurance Activator you can build the content flow to engage and build relationship with your customers. Send custom text, image, link, video or carousel and any more.

See it in action

Send promotions & offer broadcasts

With 80% open rates and 25% CTR, Messenger beats every other channel. Seasonal discounts and flash-sale offers delivered right into your customer's messenger inbox.

More powerful than email marketing!

Only 20% of emails get opened. With our tool, You will have click-through-rate from 4 to 10 times higher or 80% of your messages get read.

Open your business ecommerce store
in Insurance Activator and sale your products in messenger

Easy as it sound, Open Store, Upload and write details. Your customers are already engaged in messenger.

All features

Complete facebook messenger marketing automation tool

Easy Setup

Setup Messenger bot for replying 24/7

Scan your messenger leads

Not sure how many leads you've got? Find out with us.

Bulk Messaging

Send bulk message to your Messenger subscribers.

SMS Marketing

Send bulk messaging with us with your existing messenger or phone contacts

Email Marketing

Send email campaign with us with your existing email list or messenger list

Keyword Based Auto Reply

Set auto replies based on keywords and increase page response time.

Auto Private Reply

Allows to send auto message reply to your post’s commenters.

Auto Comment Reply

Allows to send auto comment reply to your post’s commenters.

Auto Comment Like

Allows to auto like your users comment on your page’s post.

Facebook Post

Allows you to post facebook post messange directly from our dashboard.

Page Message Manager

Helps you to see unread messages,send replies and also has chatting facilities

Persistent Menu

A customized menu options inside messenger inbox to help people explore more.

Everything You Need, To Reach Your Customer

Build your dream chatbot or broadcast messages to reach your existing customers

Facebook messenger chatbot Import

Sign & Import Account

Import your Facebook account just click on login with Facebook button.

Facebook messenger chatbot Subscriber

Sync Lead

You can sync all leads who are already in a conversation with your page or you have sent private reply.

Facebook messenger chatbot Campaign

Create Campaign & Configure

Start by sending a campaign or setup your message for replies.

Start using Insurance Activator for free now.

Insurance Activator
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